Note: This article is part of a series of 2018 ballot issue analyses written for the Blue Line by author Richard Valenty. You can find coverage of the other 2018 ballot issues here. Ed.
Question 2I would amend City Charter section 78, to incorporate changes regarding the timeline for the city’s planning department to submit yearly budget recommendations. Under current Charter language staff interpretation, the planning department (now known as Planning, Housing and Sustainability) must submit its capital improvement program (CIP) recommendations 60 days before the first public hearing on the yearly budget. Under 2I, the 60-day requirement would be reduced to 30 days.
Folks who follow city government understand that there are a number of departments and boards that could have capital improvement needs or considerations. According to the city memo on 2I, changing the timeline to 30 days before the first public hearing on the budget would factor in “the need to review the CIP with respective boards and the executive budget team prior to Planning Board consideration.”
Question 2I Pros and Cons
- Passing 2I would give the city’s planning department and planning board more time for input and recommendations from other departments and boards before finalizing budget recommendations.
- Other people involved in the budget process would have less time to evaluate planning department recommendations before the first public hearing on the budget.