News, Analysis and Opinion for the Informed Boulder Resident
Tuesday December 3rd 2024

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PreservationNation Blog | Tuberculosis Sanitariums: Reminders of the White Plague

PreservationNation Blog | Tuberculosis Sanitariums: Reminders of the White Plague

"In 1884, Dr. Edward Trudeau, a consumptive himself, opened the first public tuberculosis sanitarium in Saranac Lake, New York. His first open-air cottage, 'Little Red,' inspired the design of a number of institutions throughout the country that [...]

TreeHugger | More on why words matter: Deconstructing a headline

TreeHugger | More on why words matter: Deconstructing a headline

"Words are powerful. They shape the way we see the world around us. "It's a quote I have used a couple of times, from bike activist Aaron Naparstek. I thought of it again as I saw this tweet from urban designer Gil Penalosa: Patricia Keenan, 38, [...]

Project for Public Spaces | Equitable Placemaking: Not the End, but the Means

Project for Public Spaces | Equitable Placemaking: Not the End, but the Means

"A bike lane is not Placemaking; neither is a market, a hand-painted crosswalk, public art, a parklet, or a new development. Placemaking is not the end product, but a means to an end. It is the process by which a community defines its own [...]

Preservation Leadership Forum | L.A.’s Older Neighborhoods Get Relief from Development Pressure

Preservation Leadership Forum | L.A.’s Older Neighborhoods Get Relief from Development Pressure

"In late March of this year the Los Angeles City Council adopted two Interim Control Ordinances (ICOs) intended to provide a cooling off period for neighborhoods under assault by out-of-scale single-family residential development. "Los Angeles’ [...]

Policy Innovations | What Makes a City Great? It’s not the Liveability but the Loveability

Policy Innovations | What Makes a City Great? It’s not the Liveability but the Loveability

"A good place has at least 10 reasons to be in it, and what gets people to come back to a place or to have a memorable experience is the layering of things in it. We are often told that the aesthetics and the infrastructure, the form of the space is [...]

Next City | Pope to Urban Planners: Build Better Cities

Next City | Pope to Urban Planners: Build Better Cities

"Our civic spaces are intensely personal, shaping the terrain of our lives and our memories. They influence how we think, feel, act and express our identity. 'We make every effort to adapt to our environment, but when it is disorderly, chaotic or [...]

National Trust for Historic Preservation | Tin-Can Treasures

National Trust for Historic Preservation | Tin-Can Treasures

"During the war, the U.S. Navy erected more than 160,000 Quonset huts on four continents and throughout the Pacific. 'A team of eight Seabees could assemble a barracks in eight hours by just driving nails through the ribs,' says Commander James [...]

Preservation Leadership Forum Blog | Making Old City Buildings Green Buildings: An Interview with Architect Tom Liebel

Preservation Leadership Forum Blog | Making Old City Buildings Green Buildings: An Interview with Architect Tom Liebel

"Our older buildings provide a sense of groundedness and context—they help us remember how we arrived in our current state. They also provide the armature upon which a new city can arise..." Read the interview at the Preservation Leadership [...]

FHWA | Road Diet Informational Guide

FHWA | Road Diet Informational Guide

"Four-lane undivided highways have a history of relatively high crash rates as traffic volumes increase and as the inside lane is shared by higher-speed through traffic and left-turning vehicles. One option for addressing this safety concern is a [...]

AARP | Road Diets Fact Sheet

AARP | Road Diets Fact Sheet

"Most drivers base their travel speed on what feels comfortable given the street design. The wider the road, the faster people tend to drive and, the faster the car, the more severe the injuries resulting from a crash. Research suggests that [...]

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