News, Analysis and Opinion for the Informed Boulder Resident
Saturday December 28th 2024

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Put a Clean Energy Future on the Ballot


The Boulder City Council meeting this Tuesday, 7/19,  5 PM – ? will be about Boulder’s Energy Future – including a public hearing on municipalization. It will be in the council chambers in the municipal building at the SW corner Broadway & Canyon.

It is VERY important that we get as many supporters as possible to come. Municipalization (taking over the electric system) sets the stage for a quick implementation of a cleaner, reliable, more local, energy future with much lower emissions than Xcel  can provide.

The city and, independently of the city, volunteer technical and financial modeling teams have very credibly and clearly shown that technically and financially we can do this and it clearly leads to a better future!

The opposition is already running ads in the Camera and organizing (2/3 page ads last Tuesday and today).

Your support makes a difference!!!

Some background on public hearings:

  • You don’t need to speak – just showing up makes a difference.
  • If speaking, keep it very, very short. Don’t try to say everything. You are very likely to be limited to 2 minutes, but 1 minute might have more impact.
  • “My name is … I live (or do business) in Boulder. Thanks to council for having the courage to address this issue. I support municipalization as the best way to our clean energy future (one very short thought on why). Thank you.”
  • Come early to claim a space and to sign up if you want to speak.
  • Sit in the front section. Front row is often reserved for staff, but not always.
  • Wear a sunshine yellow shirt. We will also have fabric sunflowers to hold up to show support for a speaker. If you are raising and lowering the flowers please be quiet and discrete but clear. Noise and applause are not allowed.
  • Think warm, not angry thoughts towards council.
  • Bring a friend!

While there are specific points we want to make, the biggest point is the clear impression that there is political support for this giant step forward.

The City Council packet for this meeting can be downloaded from the city’s website.   The first few pages is staff’s clear and well written summary.  Pages 19 – 27 contain the proposed ballot language and charter changes themselves. If you read them you will see that many important safeguards and off-ramps are included in the charter.

Overviews and extensive financial and technical information are available at the city’s energy future website and at the RenewablesYes website.  Or,  sign up for our Announce Only email list. No discussions, just key announcements from us. You’ll receive a small number of emails most weeks (1 or 2).






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